It has come to my attention that some of my friends consider me to be a Hippie. :) This makes me happy because I kind of missed the hippie thing in the '60s. I had little babies and a was a Navy wife then. Mostly, I took care of my family. I did go to the Moratorium on the Viet Nam War in Washington, D.C., and I had a flower on my VW antenna. I never even smoked pot. (I did eat an Alice B. Toklas brownie once, though.)
And now? I go to antiwar marches and carry signs. I don't like torture or war or lies or wiretapping. I think all veterans should get full support from us, even if it means higher taxes. I am a card carrying member of the ACLU and I write letters and I vote. But I wear polyester pants and watch HGTV. And knit. Hippies did macrame and bead stringing. They did not knit. Thus, I am, unfortunately, not a hippie. Sorry, guys! ;)
Sheesh, just go ahead and burst our bubble, why don't you??? I think Judy is going to be veeeery disappointed. Well, at least you had a VW bug. That's gotta count for something... Sue
I knit, therefore I am not....
Do we even have to fit into a category?
I've never thought of you as a hippie. But have referred often to you as an artist or "granola" (more of a naturalist type). I think that fits you better. You were too much of a navy wife to be a hippie. But those of us who are close to you know that you both carry hippy ideals. Who else would carry a sign around Washington, raise your children in the dirt, and then paint monsters?
I knit, therefore I am not?? A bizarre rationalization, but whatever you need to tell yourself...
PS I do remember the bell bottoms....
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